Terms of Competition
All tournaments conducted by the Golfweek Junior Tour are conducted under the USGA Rules of Golf, the Golfweek Junior Tour Terms of Competition as listed below, and Local Rules Addendum as provided at each specific tournament
At each tournament there is usually an additional set of rules known as the Local Rules Addendum that take into consideration the circumstances and condition of that particular golf course. All GWJT tournament players are urged to become familiar with the Golfweek Junior Tour Terms of Competition and the Local Rules Addendum provided at each event. Please print out a copy and keep it in your golf bag for easy reference.
Play is governed by the USGA Rules of Golf and by the following Terms of Competition and definitions where applicable. Any changes and additions to these Terms of Competition will be provided on a Local Rules Addendum sheet at each specific event.
Any questions must be resolved before the scorecard is signed and turned in. Once the scorecard has been verified by a competitor and marker and signed and the competitor has left the scoring area, no alterations will be made.
Players are to disregard any local rules printed on the course scorecard or posted at that facility for all GolfWeek Jr Tour tournaments.
1- Golf Balls: Only golf balls that have been tested and are on the current list of USGA Conforming Golf Balls may be used. Model Local Rule G-3
Model Local Rule G-3
“Any ball used in making a stroke must be on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls issued by the USGA.
This list is regularly updated and is found at www.USGA.org.
If a ball that is not on the List of Conforming Golf Balls is dropped, replaced, or placed but has not yet been played, the player may correct the mistake, without penalty, under Rule 14.5.
Penalty For Making a Stroke with a Ball Not on Current List in Breach of this Local Rule: Disqualification.”
2- One Ball Rule : The One Ball Rule is NOT in Effect. Model Local Rule G-4 is NOT in effect
3- List of Conforming Driver Heads : Any driver the player uses to make a stroke must have a clubhead, identified by model and loft, which is on the current List of Conforming Driver Heads issued by the USGA. Model Local Rule G-1.
Model Local Rule G-1
“Any driver the player uses to make a stroke must have a clubhead, identified by model and loft, which is on the current List of Conforming Driver Heads issued by the USGA.
This list is regularly updated and is found at www.USGA.org.
Exception – Pre-1999 Driver Heads: A driver with a clubhead that was made before 1999 is exempt from this Local Rule.
Penalty For Making a Stroke with Club in Breach of this Local Rule: Disqualification.
There is no penalty under this Local Rule for carrying but not making a stroke with a driver that is not on the List of Conforming Driver Heads.”
4 - Groove and Punch Mark Specifications : In making a stroke, the player must use clubs that conform to the groove and punch mark specifications in the Equipment Rules that took effect on 1 January 2010. Model Local Rule G-2.
Model Local Rule G-2
“In making a stroke, the player must use clubs that conform to the groove and punch mark specifications in the Equipment Rules that took effect on 1 January 2010.
An Informational Club Database of fairway woods, hybrids, irons and wedges which have been tested for conformance to the current Equipment Rules is found at www.USGA.org.
Penalty for Making a Stroke with Club in Breach of this Local Rule:Disqualification.
There is no penalty under this Local Rule for carrying but not making a stroke with a club which does not conform to these groove and punch mark specifications.”
5- Use, Repair, or Replacement of Club Damaged During Round: Rule 4.1(2) will apply to all situations in which a club has become damaged during a round
Rule 4.1 (2) Use, Repair or Replacement of Club Damaged During Round. If a conforming club is damaged during a round or while play is stopped under Rule 5.7a, except in cases of abuse, the player may repair it or replace it with another club.
But no matter what the nature or cause of the damage, the damaged club is treated as conforming for the rest of the round (but not during a play-off in stroke play, which is a new round).
For the rest of the round, the player may:
Continue to make strokes with the damaged club, or
Except in cases of abuse, repair the club or replace it with another club (see Rule 4.1b(4)).
If the player replaces the damaged club with another club, the player must take the damaged club out of play before making another stroke using the procedure in Rule 4.1c(1).
“Damaged during a round ” means when any part, feature, or property of a club is changed because of any act during the round (including while play is stopped under Rule 5.7a), whether:
By the player (such as making a stroke or practice swing with the club, putting it in or taking it out of a golf bag, dropping or leaning on it, or throwing or abusing it), or
By any other person, outside influence or natural forces.
But a club is not “damaged during a round ” if its playing characteristics are deliberately changed by the player during the round, as covered by Rule 4.1a(3).
6 - Prohibiting the use of Caddies: Most of our events will not allow caddies, however we will provide opportunities throughout the year for juniors to experience working with a caddy. Currently the only events we allow caddies are 1 day, 36 hole events. For all events, unless specifically exempted, players MUST NOT have a caddie during the round. Model Local Rule H-1.1
Model Local Rule H-1.1
"A player must not have a caddie during the round.
Penalty for Breach of Local Rule:
The player gets the general penalty for each hole during which they have a caddie.
If the breach happens or continues between two holes, the player gets the general penalty for the next hole.”
7 - Out of Bounds: Defined by the nearest inside points of white stakes, property fence posts, property masonry walls, and/or white lines at ground level. When out of bounds is fixed by a white line on the ground, the line itself is out of bounds. All public roads are deemed out of bounds and if not otherwise marked, the nearest edge of the concrete/asphalt, or curbing shall be the boundary. If a ball crosses a public road and comes to rest on another part of the course it is deemed out of bounds
8 - Ground Under Repair: Areas enclosed with white lines. French drains are also considered ground under repair. Ground under repair may include areas of unusual damage, including areas where spectators or other traffic has combined with wet conditions to affect materially the ground surface, but only when so declared by an authorized member of the Committee. When immediately adjacent to an immovable obstruction, such an area is part of that obstruction.
9 - Penalty Areas : When a penalty area is defined on only one side, it extends to infinity. When a penalty area is connected to the out-of-bounds edge, the penalty area extends to and coincides with out of bounds.
10 - White lines tied into obstructions are part of that obstruction: White-lined areas of ground under repair and the artificially surfaced roads, paths or other identified obstructions that they are connected to are a single abnormal course condition when taking relief under Rule 16.1.
11 - Permanent elevated power lines and cables: If a ball strikes such a line or cable, the stroke shall be cancelled and must be replayed without penalty. This does NOT apply to the tower or pole
Model Local Rule E-11
“If it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball hit a power line or cable during play, the player must replay the stroke by playing the original ball or another ball from the spot that stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).
If the player replays the stroke but does so from a wrong place, they get the general penalty under Rule 14.7a.
If the player does not replay the stroke, they get the general penalty and the stroke counts, but the player has not played from a wrong place."
12 - Late to tee: If a player arrives, ready to play, at the starting tee within 5 minutes after the assigned starting time, the penalty is two strokes at the first hole. Later than 5 minutes results in disqualification
13 - Suspension of play for a dangerous situation: All practice areas are closed during a suspension for a dangerous situation. Suspensions for a dangerous situation shall be signaled by one prolonged air horn blast. Play will resume if conditions become safe again. In the event of inclement weather, the GWJT staff will sound one long air horn. At that point, play must stop immediately and find shelter. An event will only be cancelled if the players’ safety and well-being is threatened or if the course becomes unplayable.
14 - Practice Between Holes Prohibited: Model Local Rule I-2 is enforced at all GolfWeek Events
Model Local Rule I-2
“Rule 5.5b is modified in this way:
Between the play of two holes, a player must not:
Make any practice stroke on or near the putting green of the hole just completed, or
Test the surface of that putting green by rubbing the putting green or rolling a ball.
[Make any practice stroke on or near any practice green.]
Penalty for Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty.”
15 - Integral Parts of the Course : Include cables, rods, wires and wrappings when closely attached to trees, and artificial walls and pilings when located in penalty areas and bunkers.
16 - Temporary Immovable Obstruction (TIO) : Model Local Rule F-23 is in effect as it pertains to fans next to putting greens, portable toilets, temporary light fixtures, the GWJT Starting and Scoring tents, or other objects identified as TIO by the GolfWeek staff in a local rule for that event. Relief from the TIO in the General Area will include stance, swing, lie, and line of sight interference as described in Model Local Rule F-23
17 - Newly Sodded Areas : If a ball lies in or touches a sod seam, or the seam interferes with the player's area of intended swing, the player may, without penalty, lift the ball and clean it and drop the ball as near as possible to where it originally lay, not nearer the hole, where it avoids interference by the condition and is not in a hazard or on a putting green. Interference does not exist if the seam only interferes with the player's stance
18 - Flower Beds/Newly planted trees - The area defined by mulch, gravel, or other ground cover with flowers present, is a no play zone that is to be treated as an abnormal course condition. Free relief must be taken from the interference by the no play zone under Rule 16.1f.
19 - Wood Chips and Mulch are loose impediments
20 - Motorized Transportation is prohibited : Model Local Rule G-6 is enforced at all GolfWeek Jr Tour events:
Model Local Rule G-6
“During a round, a player or caddie must not ride on any form of motorized transportation except as authorized or later approved by the Committee.
[A player who will play, or has played, under penalty of stroke and distance is always authorized to ride on motorized transportation.]
[Players and caddies may ride on motorized transportation between holes when authorized by the committee]
21 - Stroke Limit Policy: There is no stroke limit on the Golfweek Junior Tour.
22 - Measuring Devices/Range Finders: Distance-only measuring devices and range finders are allowed in Golfweek Junior Tour events per USGA Rule 4.3a(1)
4.3a(1) Distance and Directional Information.
Getting information on distance or direction (such as from a distance-measuring device or compass).
Not Allowed
Measuring elevation changes, or
Interpreting distance or directional information (such as using a device to get a recommended line of play or club selection based on the location of the player’s ball), or
Using an alignment device (see definition in Equipment Rules) to help align the ball.
23 - Age Groups & Distances: See Age Groups & Distances Policy
24 - Withdrawal Policy - Before & After Event Begins: See Withdrawal Policy
25 - Waiting List : See Waiting List Policy
26 - Pace of Play : See Pace of Play Policy
27 - Player Conduct : See Player Conduct Policy
28 - Spectator Information: See Spectator Information & Policies
29 - Tie Break for 1st Place: when daylight, weather, and golf course availability will allow, 1st place ties will be dealt with a by a sudden death playoff for all age divisions as well as the overall Boys 14-19 and overall Girls titles. Playoff holes will be decided by the committee. A playoff will play 4 holes at most, at that point Co-Champions will be declared. If there are 3 or more players tied for 1st place, the playoff will be concluded when the WINNER is decided. Ties for remaining or previously eliminated players will be decided using our scorecard playoff procedure (30). The playoff will start as soon as possible once the scores are finalized. All players in the playoff must be on golf course property at the completion of play to be eligible for the playoff. Tie Break for 2nd and 3rd Place: will be handled according to the scorecard playoff procedure and is solely for awarding 2nd and 3rd place medals/awards only. All 2nd and 3rd place ties will be recorded as ties for Player of the Year Points, Junior Golf Scoreboard, GolfWeek Rankings, and AJGA PBE Stars.
30 - Scorecard Playoff Procedure: A winner will be decided by the lowest total score on the back nine (holes 10-18) of the last round of the tournament. If a tie still exists, then the winner will be decided by the last six holes (holes 13-18). If a tie still exists, the winner will be decided by the last three holes (holes 16-18). If a tie still exists, the winner will be decided by the last hole (hole 18). If a tie still exists, the scorecard procedure will be applied to the front nine (holes 1-9), (4-9), (7-9), (9) in the same way until a winner is decided.
31 - Results of the Competition: The competition is final when the trophy has been presented to the winner or, in the absence of an awards ceremony, when all scores have been approved by the Committee.